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Chamber music    *   Orchestra / Ensemble   *   Vocal   *   Opera / Music Theatre   *   Oratorio

La fuite du magicien (1995: adaptation 2016)
For mezzo-soprano, flute, mandolin, guitar and harp

(translated from the Dutch poem "De vlucht van de magiër" by Valérie Charbey from "Het paleis van de slaap" by Serge van Duijnhoven)

Duration: 11'
mezzo fl man g hp

Premiered on the 3rd October in 2004

Originally commissioned by the Amsterdam Quintet, adaptation tp the French version 2016
Dutch version of the Mezzo-soprano version was premiered on the 3rd October in 2004

Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Spiegelzaal
Het Amsterdams Kwintet

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Chamber music    *   Orchestra / Ensemble   *   Vocal   *   Opera / Music Theatre